Joining Freemason? Check Some Freemason Disqualifications

Are you planning on joining the Freemasons? Then keep reading as I give you some of the facts about the group including some Freemason Disqualifications facts. However, before we go into our main point, let me give you a bit of history about who the group is really about.

ALSO READ: Who Are The Freemasons? Beliefs, Practices & Facts

Who Are The Freemasons?

The Freemasons are one of the oldest organizations in the world. Freemasons trace their origin to the local guilds of stonemasons (one of the oldest ways of construction where the stone is the major material). There are two types of organization. Those who do not accept politicians, religious discussion, women membership and another type of Freemason who accepts all forms of members.

How Does A Person Join The Freemasons?

Not everyone is allowed into the organization. There are conditions and exceptions too. A minimum of 21 years is accepted for those who wish to join. Another requirement is that, the person wishing to join must be free and of good repute. As already stated, some section of the Freemason does not want religious people involved so any new candidate must declare a belief in a Supreme being.

Freemason Disqualifications & Facts

Joining the organization is open to every person, however, there are some rules and regulations laid down to govern every member. The following are some of the rules which might disqualify any member.

  • One must be of legal age (18), of sound mind, of good moral conduct and with no records of a felony.
  • The person must believe in the existence of God or any being.
  • No room will be opened to anyone whose parents were born slaves.
  • A person who is unable to read and write English (or the language of the place where they reside and wish to be accepted).

What Are The Benefits of Becoming A Freemason?

Freemason, just like any community has a lot of people. With a lot of people in it, there are benefits. The following are some:

  • Help: Masons are there for each other. It is easy to get assistance whether financial or any form of help.
  • Mentorship: A member can easily learn from another top member. All the needed skills will be provided for free
  • Education: Learning skills can easily be achieved as a member of Freemason.
